Goal Setting for 2024. Get ahead of the curve.

2024 is around the corner & now is a great time to start thinking about goals & certain things that you want to achieve in 2024. Here is some advice on how to get ahead of the curve.

  1. Reflect on the past year

Have a think about the triumphs of the last year & some of the things that didnt go too well also. It’s easy to remember the parts of the year that didn’t go that well. Its also important to celebrate your successes. Take the time to have a ‘look how far i’ve come’ moment. Reflecting on the past helps us to identify areas for improvement & growth.


2. Define your priorities

Identify the most important aspects of your life, such as career, health, relationships, personal development, and leisure. Prioritise these areas to guide your goal-setting process. When you are a business owner or you work long hours, the elements outside work become less of a priority. However, having goals in aspects of your life that aren’t work related can be incredibly beneficial. You need to invest in yourself & in turn you will start showing up in all areas of your life, including work.


3. Create an action plan

Step 1: Define Your Goal

Clearly articulate your goal. Make it specific, measurable, achievable & relevant

Step 2: Break Down the Goal

Identify the specific tasks and milestones needed to achieve your goal. Break it down into smaller, actionable steps.

Step 3: Prioritise Tasks

Determine which tasks are most critical to achieving your goal. Prioritise them based on their importance and dependencies.

Goal setting ahead of time can mean that you face into January with a solid plan and ways to achieve your goals.

We hope this helps and we are looking forward to seeing all of our friends and clients reach their full potential in 2024.


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