Quick tips on how to manage your emails.

As a business owner, it's essential to stay organised and efficient in managing your daily tasks. Juggling multiple responsibilities can be overwhelming, which is why we've put together a list of tips that can help you to stay on top of things. These tips will help you to streamline your workflow, stay productive, and focus on what matters most - growing your business.

Urgent Folder

Create an urgent folder & only add emails here that you need to action today. Treat it as a mini mailbox & ignore everything else until it’s clear. Use this system on a daily basis to action your emails by priority and not by what arrived into your mailbox first.


Allocate time in your diary to create email templates. These will save you a huge amount of time when replying to similar emails but remember to add a quick personal touch to every email before sending. Templates are especially effective if you run a business with a busy customer service element to it.

Schedule Send

On the rare occasion that you might have time to prepare your emails in advance you can schedule them to be sent when you like, meaning that you can enjoy your morning coffee while your emails send themselves.

These are just a few of the many organisational tools available to help you to streamline your work flow. By incorporating these tips into your working routine, you can stay on top of your daily tasks, collaborate more effectively with your team, and ultimately, grow your business.


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