Just Breathe with The Holistic Leaders.


Hello from Goa,

Last week I introduced you to the idea of bringing “Wellness Shots” into your day whilst using The Pomodoro Method. This allows us to weave wellness into our day without needing huge chunks of time, failing to create this and then feeling guilty thereafter.

If we are connected on Instagram, you may know that I am currently in Goa on a 2 month journey of expansion and in-depth study into the practice of Breathwork. Breathwork is a transformative practice and I will be sharing a lot more with you all in 2024.

For now though, I would like to introduce Box Breathing, a very simple practice to introduce into your life to help with your Body, Mind, Soul and Business. 

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercises or techniques. People often perform them to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. During Breathwork you intentionally change your breathing pattern. There are many forms of Breathwork therapy that involve breathing in a conscious and systematic way.

Box-Breathing Meditation

I would like to introduce you to Box-Breathing Meditation where we use the breath as our anchor to bring us back from a wandering mind. A wandering, busy mind is completely normal, just bring it back home to the breath when you realise! This breathing technique is used by the Navy Seals and Special Forces. It allows you to move from fight or flight to rest and digest. It’s now your back pocket superpower, use it anytime you want to adjust your state naturally.


  • Calms and regulates the nervous system.

  • Promotes deep relaxation or leaves you feeling energised: set the intention.

  • Supports immune function.

  • Increased mental clarity.

  • Positively affects emotions.

  • Performance enhancing.

  • Pain management.

  • A simple means that anchors you into the present moment.



  • Seated. Feet on the floor, hip width apart

  • Spine straight (Sit out a little from the back of your chair).

  • Hands on lap (You can chose to have palms up or palms down)

  • Begin by breathing normally, check in with your breathing, see where your breath is travelling to (chest or belly).

  • Take deeper breaths into your belly (Remember how babies and animals breath: diaphragmatically). Take a few breaths here.

  • Start your box breathing. (Imagine drawing a box in your mind).

  • Inhale for 4 seconds through the nose

  • Pause/hold for 4 seconds

  • Exhale for 4 seconds through the mouth

  • Pause/ hold for 4 seconds

  • Keep breathing in this way for desired time;- remember even 1 minute can create a sense of calm and focus.

My clients and I have been using this simple but powerful breath throughout the day and it makes such a difference. I gently encourage you to try it. If you do, let me know how you get on over on Instagram.

Chat next week.

Shell x


The TASK Times


Stylist Live. Come with us to their 2023 show.


Recipe of the week. Chicken Soup.