What does AI mean for Business?

The rise of artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm and for good reason. 

At TASK, we are deep diving into new technology to discover how we can utilise AI to further support our clients and elevate their businesses.

How are we using AI at TASK?

Event Planning

AI is helping us with extensive research to find the best restaurants and venues, food and drinks merchants, photographers etc – so that we can explore every avenue to plan you and your business a seamless event of any kind. 

Text Generation

Have you ever needed to flesh out an idea and you just don’t know where to start? You can ask AI.

AI can support in writing business proposals, fleshing out ideas, creating personalised messages. AI can kick start your thought process and give you a template on where to begin.

Customer Service

Enhancing relationships through quick, personalised, trust based conversations. Responding to every email can be tough and its often hard to make every email sound so passionate. AI can assist us in generating email responses quickly, making them informative and personal. 


It’s important to remember that nothing can replace the human element in the workplace. At TASK we are committed to understanding developing technology so that we can harness the benefits and develop your business to be the best that it can be.


The TASK Times


ICE-BATHS. Just a trend or truly a healing modality for your Body, Mind and Soul?


Ciara O’Doherty. TASK Client Spotlight.