Our advice on staying organised.

We are big organisers at TASK in both our work life & personal life. Running a business or working full-time makes organisational tools & tips essential for keeping on top of our busy lives and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. We have created a list of tips and tools to help you get organised & stay organised.

Planners, Planners, Planners

We cannot stress how useful planners are in our daily life. They keep us focused and organised and help us keep track of our to-do lists & goals. Taking a few minutes at the start of every day to write everything down in your planner keeps you focused on your goals, allows you to prioritise tasks and takes everything out of your head and onto paper so you can focus on one thing at a time. Some of our favourite planners also have space for wellness. You can keep track of how you are feeling, what you are grateful for, what self-care practises you are doing each day & more, all of which are equally as important to keep track of as your tasks at work.

We have created a list of the TASK Team’s favourite planners:

The Head Plan Journal - Productivity & Wellness

The Productivity Method - The Daily Planner

Papier Joy Undated Daily Planner

Have a Monthly PA Day

To stay super organised, we recommend having a monthly personal admin day. Choose a day at the beginning of every month & take an hour or two to do all of your personal admin for the month ahead. Book in any appointments you need to book whether it’s beauty appointments, a dentist appointment you’ve been putting off or even your car service, get them all booked in! Book in for a few gym classes, set your goals for the month and budget your finances for the month ahead. Doing all of these tasks in one sitting at the start of every month makes a huge difference in your organisation & saves a huge amount of time.

Use Google Calendar

We are obsessed with Google Calendar at TASK. We block out our entire day & tasks on Google Calendar every single day. Having everything on Google Calendar makes all of your appointments, reminders & tasks so easily accessible on your phone. Having everything in Google Calendar will make your life so much easier and save up so much space in your mind trying to remember all of your appointments, gym classes, trips & work events and the many dates and times that come with them.

Create a good morning & evening routine.

Creating a good morning & evening routine will make a huge difference in keeping you organised. A good morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day. We recommend trying to wake up an hour earlier than you usually do & take your time getting ready in the morning, having a nice breakfast and getting in 20 minutes of movement. Rushing out the door in a panic will set the tone for an unorganised, stress-filled day so having a relaxed morning with plenty of time will make a big difference.

Evening routines are also important for keeping organised. Setting a 5-9 routine with plenty of self-care will allow you to destress in the evening. Taking time to cook a nice dinner & meal prep for lunch the next day, going to a workout class and practicing self-care are three things we love about our evening routine & help us stay organised and save time.


Taking time at the end of every month to reflect is a great way to improve the ways in which you stay organised & reach your goals. Having everything you’ve done in the past month in your journals & calendar makes this a really easy task. Have a look at the month you’ve had, what goals you’ve accomplished and the things you wish you had more time for. Think about the ways you can make more time for these things next month. Reflect on the organisational tools you used in the past month & if you think they worked for you or not. Not everyone is going to be an avid daily journaler & not everyone will have the same morning and evening routine every day, especially busy working parents. It’s all about finding the tips and tools that work for you and your lifestyle.


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