How to grow your social media as a busy business owner.

Social media has become an essential element for every business in the last few years. It has become another task that busy business owners have to compete with & it can sometimes feel like a second full time job. We have some tips & tricks you can use to keep on top of your social media & create an engaged community on your social platforms.

Stay up to date with trends & algorithm changes.

This is a hugely important part of social media that a lot of businesses don’t dedicate time for. If you want to grow your social media platforms, it is so important to take the time to learn what’s trending, what style of content the platforms are favoring & how your own content can reflect this. Some ways we recommend to do this is to create a folder on Instagram & TikTok and save videos and audios that are trending. The important part is to jump on the trend as quickly as possible before the next one comes around.

Another way you can stay informed is by following accounts that share this information. Someone we really recommend following is Adam Mosseri, who is the head of Instagram. Adam’s content focuses on algorithm changes on the app, creator spotlights that he thinks are posting high-quality and high-performing content & general advice for creators.

If you can keep your content relevant & up to date with the trends that the platforms are pushing out, you will notice a big change in the reach of your content.

Use scheduling tools & feed planner apps.

Scheduling tools & feed planner apps are lifesavers when it comes to ensuring your content is consistent & cohesive, which are two things that will grow your platform.

Scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Facebook Meta are so useful for keeping your content consistent. You can set aside some time once a week & schedule all of your posts for the week. This allows you to have a good stream of content whilst not having to be posting & thinking about it every day of the week.

Feed planning apps are great for creating an aesthetic, cohesive feed, which is the first thing people notice when they click on your Instagram. An aesthetic feed can be difficult to create, so we recommend a feed planning app like Unum, where you can see what your feed will look like in advance.

Don’t be afraid to repurpose & recreate your highest performing content.

Repurposing content across multiple platforms is a great way to keep consistency across multiple social platforms, without having to create a huge amount of content. Anything that you post to Instagram can be repurposed and posted to TikTok, as either a video or photo post. Photo posts in particular are doing very well on TikTok at the moment, so don’t be afraid to reshare any Instagram posts there.

You can also recreate your highest performing content. It can be difficult to be constantly thinking of new ideas, so recreating your highest performing videos with a slightly different approach can be a great way of having a consistent stream of content. If it worked well before, the chances are it will again.

Interact with your community.

Interacting & engaging with your community on every social platform is essential. People love the personal touch behind a business, and love knowing more about who is running it. Pop onto your stories once a week & answer questions from your audience, reply to as many of your comments as you can & comment on other businesses posts in support. Being active and engaged on socials will create a community-based following. This will result in a higher engagement rate on your posts after some time, and will create an audience that genuinely support you and want to see you succeed.

Outsource what you can.

Even with all of these tips & tricks, social media can be extremely time-consuming and can take up a lot of your brain space throughout the week. The creative side to social media in particular can be difficult to keep on top of as a busy business owner, who has 100 other things to be thinking of every week. We recommend outsourcing where you can & creating a system where you have support in the areas of social media you struggle with. This could be taking someone on to create content for your business and to think of content ideas for you. This could also be outsourcing your social media management, and having someone schedule your posts & stories for you. Social media is essential for every business & it is so important to get it right.


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